
At Genesis Roaster we are passionate in helping others, and our Fundraising Program has proven to be a great way to accomplish just that. If you’re looking for unique fundraising idea for your school, non-profit, church, sports team, college, small groups, mission trip, PTO/PTA, club, or any other organization – consider a coffee fundraiser!

Coffee Makes an Excellent Fundraising Product

Most organizations that come to us are looking for unique fundraising ideas that will be easy for the coordinators, participants, and its supporters. The uniqueness of a coffee fundraiser is appealing, as it is easy to sell, and easy to buy. Over 60% of Americans drink coffee daily, with even more having coffee in their home. 


Looking for new fundraising ideas? Genesis Roasters has simplified fundraising for Individuals, Sports Teams, Schools, Churches, Youth Groups, Band, Dance,  and Non-Profit Groups by providing two great platforms.

Traditional Fundraising Program

With this fundraising program, participants use our convenient brochures to sell Genesis Roasters Coffees to friends, family, and neighbors for huge profits!

Getting Started is Easy!

  • Let us know how many participants you have (sales forms will be sent directly to you – free of charge!)
  • Distribute forms and kick off fundraiser (we recommend two weeks)
  • Collect all order forms and payment from participants
  • Submit the orders and send Genesis payment for the coffee, you keep the profit!
  • We roast your orders fresh, separate per participant, and deliver to your organization for distribution. You will receive your order in three weeks or less!

Online Fundraising Program

Our unique online fundraising platform is perfect for groups that do not want participants selling products door to door, or for groups looking for a broader reach to non-local friends and family. This fundraising platform can be combined with the Traditional Fundraising Program to maximize profit and reach!

  • Determine when the fundraising campaign will take place (we recommend 2 weeks)
  • Participants email friends and family about the coffee fundraiser.
  • Customers purchase coffee online; we roast it fresh and ship it directly to them.
  • Ability to track sales by participant. 


The key to a successful fundraiser is to encourage engagement while keeping it fun. We’ve seen these four points work time and time again, resulting in record setting fundraising profits for countless organizations! 
  • Determine fundraiser timeframe (we recommend 2 weeks)
  • Set a group & individual goals
  • Hold a fundraising blitz
  • Create incentives for participants

Try something better, try something different, try a Coffee Fundraiser with Genesis Roasters!